Well for a Monday our day has gone well. We began our day at 5 AM and we were off and running. My DH had a job interview and we needed to be there at 7:30 AM. Then after a 2 hour interview/wait we were off to occupational Therapy.
OT was a new adventure yet again. We discussed the Brushing and compressions we have been doing. I think they are helpful in some ways and in others they are not so helpful. My DG gets very hyper when we brush her. Like she will do circles and she is not able to focus on any one thing. She also does not seen to be very happy while I do her brushing. Then it is about 45 minutes of hectic crazy and she will then just calm. It works good for bedtime. I like that and I like that we are able to see the improvement even with the not so good. Joint Compression's are going OK. She laughs at them but I have been trying to make them fun for her.
We also discussed and are currently trying a compression vest with her. She seems to like that. She will calm right down as soon as we have her all snug in it. She likes it. We had it on her when we put her into her car seat and she was content to ride with it on. She fell asleep almost right away. I am looking forward to seeing how it works through the week.
Toady the Head Start Teacher also came. We did lots of talking about the sensory stuff today. She was going to see if there is any way to find some assistance for getting our Sensory stuff with some help. She wants us to work on Animal sounds and sensory bins. She is impressed by my Binder system too. I keep everything in binders so when I need to info I know right where it all is.
I finished the Bayley Scales for Toddler Development questionnaire too. It was strange one to do as it is not just for my DG's age group. It covers ages one to three. So lots of stuff not real clear for her, I am also wondering what parents do allow their children to do some of the things on the questions.
Tomorrow will be another day of stuff to do. Special Education will be coming to our place to finish the Evaluation on her. Then I am hoping they will figure out a schedule for home visits. I am not sure what all they are going to look at and work on with her but the more help we can get now, hopefully will reduce the stuff we need to do later on in her life.
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